
Cell phones and driving?

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It really bugs me when people talk and drive at the same time.

does it double the risk on an accident? Because your not as focused on the road? Now the youth that are driving are doing it too.

Should there be a law to fine it if your caught? There is one in Georgia..




  1. theres a law in az. i don't mind the talking so much as i do the messing with the phone to text or find numbers... i don't see how thats any different then searching for songs in your ipod tho.... but thats still legal....?

  2. Talking on a cell phone and driving are both complex activities that require a lot of concentration and brain resources. The brain cannot do both, because unlike a computer the brain cannot multitask these two things; it can only switch from one to the other. The more complex each task is, the more time it takes for the brain to make the switch, and this cost in reaction time can lead to accidents.

    You may have seen commercials saying to get hands-free sets in your car for cell phones, saying that by keeping both hands on the wheel driving is made safer. This is not true. The reason driving while talking on a cellphone is dangerous is that it competes with the driving for your full attention.

    Whether there should be a law against driving while talking on a cell phone is a matter of opinion, but I personally would see such a law as being very similar to encouraging people to buckle up, or to not drink and drive. Driving while talking on a cell phone certainly causes lots of accidents, and it is very common.

  3. there are laws and i think that it is more dangerous bcuz people cant focus on both things as good as they can on just driving. i do believe that driving while talking should be illegal but with hands free devices i guess it should be ok but not recommended.

  4. I have a novel idea, why don't we quit asking the government to act like babysitters for every silly thing and act like adults. Let's all use a blue tooth or a headset. It is no more distracting than a crying baby in the back seat or fighting children. You can't pass a law for every little thing.

  5. 29 states already have some type of laws for driving while using a cell phone and there are fines that go along with that.

    But at the same time they only are limited.

  6. Yes there definitely should be a law, i hate when your stuck behind a person and you finally pass them just to find out its some dumb *** with there phone talking. Talking wile driving really does affect your driving i mean your only driving with one hand, that's why they invented the loud speaker on phones. People now a days can be so stupid i swear.

  7. be careful what you wish for

  8. There is a law in most OECD countries.

    Research shows that it increases crash risk by a factor of four. Handsfree phones increase the crash risk also. Distraction is the issue.

  9. they say that it is easier to crash your car from drinking coffee than it is to a cell phone BULLSHIT

  10. that law is already in affect in nyc

  11. i think it is fine

  12. Well here in Miami its illegal to use your cell phone while driving and you get a ticket for it if caught.

  13. There's a law against using a cell phone while driving in Australia. The fine is over $200. People still do it though. I've been in an accident caused by a person on a cell phone. They hit me from behind when I was stopped at a roundabout.

  14. Not too long ago someone asked a very similar question.  They had witnessed several examples of poor driving, someone going 25 PMH on the freeway for no apparent good reason, another driver swerving in and out of thier lane and/or changing lanes with no signal, etc.  Then they'd get along side and sure enough they'd see a cell phone, so they were also of the opinion to pass laws banning their use while driving.  

    But consider this...

    Last I checked, unless all of traffic is slowed to that speed, most freeways have a minimum speed limit, someone going 25 MPH should be pulled over and cited... cell phone or not.

    Swerving into other lanes... no signals?... yep... that's illegal too... cell phone or not.

    "Doing something really STUPID"... I'm going on out a limb here, but my guess is if it's that "stupid"... it's probably illegal too.

    If you are not watching the road and paying attention and you are breaking traffic laws, you should be pulled over and cited... cell phone or not.

    And to all those that make the argument that a hand's free device is better (one of those bluetooth things stuck in your ear...), last I checked, aren't headphones also illegal while driving? How is that device really any different from an MP3 player headphone stuck in one ear?

    Anyway, the problem with cell phones is too many people have the things anymore! You see the bad driving, so you look and sure enough you may well see a cell phone. You can blame the cell phone if you want, but personally, I'd blame the driver. I see plenty of people driving just fine and take a second look and see a cell phone there too. I have been driving for over 20 years. I have had a cell phone in my car since they were installed as briefcased sized units under the seat. I have never been involved in an accident. Do we penalize good drivers for the idiot who probably can't walk and chew gum at the same time?

    I know my view isn't the most popular one, which I am sure the number of thumbs down I am about to receive will attest to that. But really THINK about it for a minute.

    I will admit, some teenager texting on their phone while rolling down the road behind the driver's seat is a threat to us all. But where do we draw the line? Age limit restrictions? 25? Is that fair to the 24 year old who uses his phone only in light traffic and never texts? And what devices do we ban along with the phone? Blackberries? Laptops? If we ban those things, then what's next? CB Radios? On-Star? GPS devices? Radios? Go ahead, have the goverment legislate everything, before long it will be illegal to be seen talking to a passenger.

    I'm for enforcing the laws on the books, not passing a slew of new "common sense" laws.

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