
Cell phones are the invention of the devil?

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  1. No.  However, people have turned it into a blight.  For example - some people have been quoted using "entheogenic reasons" as excuses to avoid punishment for illicitly using spiritual/religious vehicles.  Being used on a spiritual basis for legitimate purposes in proper venues it's benign.

  2. The cell phone was a good invention. It's the devil that came in and screwed it up.

  3. adding on to what Wildrose said.  there already are problems with the cell phone.  they are said to give you cancer.  along with Mircowaves and laptops...  HOLY SMOKES!!!  THOSE MUST BE FROM THE DEVIL TOO!

  4. Are you crazy or what?? I think they are a huge blessing..  You must have nothing else to do than to come with such a crazy thought...

  5. To say that cell phones are

    the invention  of the devil,

    is to imply that potentially

    all technolgy may have been

    inspired by the devil.

    For the moment I disagree with you-

    unless  I find proof to the contrary.

    However, I do find your point very interesting.

  6. hahahaha xD


  7. Actually, cell phones were designed based on military technology developed to enable rapid and accurate communication in the field.

    Like anything else, cell phones have the ability to save lives (not just 911 calls, even just talking to a depressed friend overnight can save them when otherwise they might have made a very stupid decision) or to take them (drug deals, careless drivers).  Just like anything else, the true potential of cell phones lies within the user, not the device.  Claiming that they are the invention of the devil and refusing to use them is the work of the devil, because it removes the capability to do good while at the same time enabling weak-minded thinking which encourages evil.

    Take responsibilty for your actions, and choose to do good instead of weakly blaming anything you don't feel like understanding on the devil.

  8. No, they are just part of a process.  Technology always evolves and then improves as problems and concerns arise.  Cell phones are inevitable.

  9. agree and disagree now an idle mind is the invention of the devil and cars r the work of the devil and ppl who drive cars with an idle mind is the puppet of the devil cell phones r the invention of the government so they can bust u and be4 long if not already they got a sattellite in space that can see ppl on earth up close so when ur on ur cell phone telling secrets ur really telling the world no 1 knows for sure but cell phones i think suck cause they r a rip off i dont care if u paid 20bucks for it think of all the wasted money in a yr time and u could have opened ur own telephone company

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