
Cello Exam Grade One?

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Well im doing my Cello Exam on monday and its Grade one . Im quite nervous , i havent had a music exam before ... Any tips ? xx Thankss




  1. My daughter is doing her's now! I'm nervous. I'll let you know later today. I told her to carry on when she loses her place. Use the first few seconds of your time in sight reading to read the beats in the bar, key signature and see if it says forte or piano or the like. Then just look at all the notes you can in the time. Often bits are repeated anyway and once you've started it's easier to just carry on. Just get to the end.

    Try not to start again or repeat yourself if you thought it sounded funny. It means your actually playing the wrong notes really doesn't it.

    How old are you? Don't get nervous, just enjoy it. Luckily my Dannielle doesn't get nervous about anything (not like me)

    You know how good you are and a stranger is coming to see you play. You want them to leave knowing how good you are too!

    No sharps in a scale of C. ! sharp in a scale of G and 2 in a scale of D. Think that just before you play each one.

    What songs are you playing? Speak to you later and I may have more tips and hopefully a result. I said, if you fail, you can do it again. No one cares and you tried your best.

    But you won't!

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