
Cellphone Ban? Should businesses be allowed to restrict cellphone use?

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The use of mobile phones is now forbidden in many hospitals, and recently doctors’ offices around the nation have begun prohibiting patients from talking on them in waiting rooms. Now some businesses are threatening to charge people who won’t hang up, and one restaurant in Seattle is even billing diners $5 for cell chatter. (It has yet to actually force anyone to pay up.)




  1. Yes, businesses should be allowed to restrict cell phone usage. Every business has the right to refuse service to a potential customer if the customer will not comply with their policies.

    While this may sound heavy handed, if the policy regarding cell phone usage is made known upfront and is enforced even-handedly, then customers can decide whether or not to patronize a business. It's not that much different from businesses that banned smoking years ago. While they may have lost some customers who were smokers, they most likely kept more customers who were non-smokers.

    Whether I'm sitting in a fine dining restaurant or my local coffee shop, I'm there to enjoy a meal and recharge my batteries. I don't want to hear someone elses telephone conversation. Think back to the old days when payphones were always located by the restrooms and away from the dining room. There was a reason for that.

    I'm sure that others will disagree with what I've said here but that's one of the things that makes this country so great!

  2. Absolutely! Talking on the phone in public places is annoying, disruptive, and rude. The people that do it display a total lack of common sense and respect for others.

  3. if it is disruptive a business has the right to ask you to not use your cell phone while conducting business on their premises..  a restaurant should offer a place to take phone calls though, like in the lobby..

  4. yep, you shouldnt be ruining other's meals...

    no one wants to hear you gab on the phone while theyre trying to enjoy their meal...

  5. In some businesses it may be appropriate.

    I can understand the ban in a nice restaurant.  In a coffee shop or fast food, no ban.  But a classier restaurant is selling ambiance and atmosphere as much as food.  Obviously movie theaters, Churches, Classrooms, etc. all can be disrupted by a cell phone ringing or a load conversation.

    Cell phones in hospitals don’t usually work too well.  And patients often need rest not calls.  With a land line the nurses can judge if a call would be a disturbance.  In a waiting room for a doctor or dentist, that seems unreasonable.

  6. yes

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