
Cellulitis in knee..with large open abrasion on knee

by  |  earlier

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I fall on Tuesday and be Wednesday had lots of pain, redness and decreased movement of the knee. Was put on levaquin 500mg once daily. How long will it take before i am able to walk. I can't bend that knee yet d/t increased pain. Also thw wound on the knee is draining plus, plus. How often should i change the bandage and also should I be giong back to the doctor for a cream for the wound to help with healing? My dr. never perscribed anything for the wound the first time.

Thanks for the help.....




  1. The question to you is, is it getting better since you started the antibiotic?

    You MUST make a follow up appointment regardless of the outcome. If you are not better (when were you put on Levaquin?) by now, you need to contact him ASAP.

    You should have also been told to keep an eye on the redness. Draw a line around it (with a marker), if you must. If it gets ANY bigger, you're in trouble. This includes fever, increased swelling and any red streaks on the leg, too. I advise you to take urgent medical attention if you're not getting a proper answer from your doctor. This means visiting an urgent care (not necessary an ER because of the long wait) today.

    Regarding ointment--his nurse should have told you to use over-the-counter antibiotic ointment and she / he should have taught you how often the dressing needs to be changed. Call him today to get a proper answer. Don't feel bad about being the weekend--someone is being well paid to be on call (him, or another doctor in his practice).

    By the way, if you had cleaned the wound and applied antibiotic ointment right away after the injury, it may not have progressed to the point of cellulitis.

  2. These are all questions you should ask your doctor. This isn't something to take lightly, especially if it's still draining. Take your antibiotics faithfully. I would certainly ask about a topical application.

  3. go to the ER they will do x-ray are bone scan to see if you do have injury to your knee and ask your Family Doctor about your pain your are having and this is the best way and they will help you. and may have injury your back and get a MRI of your back and knee and my need a bone scan to find were your pain is coming from, I did fall down on ice 2/12/2008 and I did have MRI and a Bone scan of my back I did have pain from my back and going down my two legs and it was ok but I did keep having the pain and I did find out that I did have  stones in my two kidney and stones in the pole and this want is why I am having the pain in my back and the pain going down my two legs.


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