I've become convinced we could begin accelerating Cellulosic ethanol production immediately. (One cautionary voice still rings slightly in my ears however: "We've been "5 years away from" for 40 years...." ) Never the less I think we're ready now.
When? say you? I've read most of the "Questions" that result from a search of "Cellulosic". And I've read a lot of articles too.
There have been a lot of breakthroughs. There are several pilot plants. (I think we're more likely to see tens-of-thousands of small plants, rather than Hundreds of enormous plants, btw. For cellulosic ethanol anyway.)
With crude oil at $125 to $140 a barrel, (and forcasts of higher, but rumors of a bubble, I'm aware) and gasoline priced where it is... I think the economic pressure and incentive have to be aligned. There are enough "flex fuel" vehicles.. and diesel engines all run biodiesel equally well.
Aren't we at the brink? "Are we there yet?"
Hydrogen... I realize,,, is some years off sti