
Celtic board posting Nacho's address online - scum or not?

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no Thomas i did not say you all were, read what i said. those who posted it. When there was so many posts about Lennon i wasnt going to bother answering with anything worthwhile. Id said my bit.




  1. Nacho Novo is SCUM!!!!!!

    when he signed for Dundee he had no money and nowhere to stay so his new team-mate Ross Mathieson offered him the spare room in his Family home

    When Novo signed for Rangers, he was still living in Mr Mathiesons spare room, one week later he left for some sort of mini-mansion and took Ross Mathiesons Misses and kid with him and on the same day pout a restraining order against the lad who had went out his way to help the spaniard settle in Scotland

    and if you dont think that is Scum, then have a look at yourselves Rangers fans, i would not accept a two faced Rat like Novo at Thistle

    wonder if you would be saying the same Bluebell if it was a Celtic player??????

  2. Resign from the Huddle?? That's rich!!.. An Orc telling the best support in the world how to act, I don't condone this but if scum like Nova want to entice riots during Old firm games they should have the bottle to face the consequences!... he's been at Greyskull long enough to know the fanatical attitude of some fans on both sides and we never hear much Ibrox  sympathy when Celtic players get attacked in their own city centre clubs..  which is a d**n site more than Orcs . .. minority my R'se.  

  3. well its just a smack in the face of all the ones who accused us of being bigots..this is just idiotic and these people not realise that their is children in that house...this is the most stupid and nasty thing i've heard of in a while..these people should be severely dealt with..brain dead idiots..thats what they are..scotlands true shame right enough

    yep as we are always getting told..all it takes is the minority..thumbs down cos the truth hurts...basically just proves about the double standards that some people have..sad

    aye ok wasn't nice what he did..but i guess it must be great to be perfect and have no flaws or weakness..not justifying what he did...but does it honestly warrant getting your address made public to thugs

    safc i would i've already said private lives are private..i don't make a difference cos of what team they play for..i didn't condone lennons attack..i was a bit peeved cos all rangers 'fans' got the blame...once i am perfect in myself i will then pass judgement on peoples private lives

  4. i noticed yesterday that when someone posted a question about the attack on neil lennon your answer was anything good on the telly now we are all scum because of a handful of twats tut tut

  5. oh no, phone the polis

  6. lennon is an *** he should learn to keep his mouth shut!

    when is the guy gonna ever learn that he cant go shouting his mouth of singin rebel songs & not expect to get laid into for it

  7. Don't believe everything you read in the "Daily R*tard"

  8. I actually read that post before all this came out Erra....

    firstly it didn't give his address..just the area he lives in. thank god..secondly it was condoned by the majority on there as soon as it was said.

    thirdly..this came from the Daily Record and the owners of the site are launching an investigation as a lot of the things said were nobody wrote which street he lives in.

    it was a post by one member of the huddle board... we can't all resign because of would be like us all leaving yahoo cos of scum like Rudicantfail or the t1t who mentions the Ibrox disaster.

    it was definately a disgusting thing to do and the good Celtic fans are as appalled by it as you are.

  9. ok lets take a moment to reflect on the last few days mayhem boruc has an off day lets in a few howlers verbally abused by everyone in the rangers section ( if you were there please don't embarrass yourself saying you didn't take part you did its the norm ) he reacts shouldn't have but he did only human after-all and what do you all do run crying and complaining wantin him banned fact.

    four men attack a rangers fan ( celtic fans I assume ) gutless basturds hope they get caught his team won he is entitled to gloat nobody deserves to get a hiding .

    Neil Lennon attacked for the 3rd/4th time in the street Min's away from his home and the answers are ( he should have stayed home ) why? is he some kind of prisoner Not too many of you on here condemned it made jokes of the fact that a man almost lost his life check your answers from previous post.

    as for the banner re TB and PoD it has now been dressed up. I'm not asking anyone on here to believe me all I'm saying is that I saw the original video which has now been changed ( edited ) it did have references to those 2 players and bobby sands which was also deleted.

    and now we have addresses being handed out on websites and the S**t hits the fan, I fear for the future of scottish football if there is an attack on a rangers player I would imagine that the spl will be suspended but folks the real problem with this point scoring with eachother is pure and simple It is only a matter of time before a player does lose his life

  10. Do you mean the Celtic board ,Lawell,reid etc,posted novo's address,

    i dont belive that...

    right i see it was a internet forum,..well thats just wrong then,people should not do that...address's are easy to get hold off from the deed poll,,But its still not right,,this all seems to be coming as revenge for Lennon nearly being killed on sunday night  but two wrongs dont make a right.

  11. SCUM!

    As a majority of us are humble in defeat,but that is too extreme

    would they like it if it was done to them

  12. It's quite sad.

    LF just aswell that user doesn't know you moved to Kinfauns Drive

  13. They are scum but so is wee Nacho-Two wrongs do NOT make a right tho'

    Hail Hail to 4 IN A ROW

  14. tell me his address pleasssee

  15. Shocking !  this is only going to start a riot - I think the best thing Celtic could do is to get shot of that mindless bigot  Lennon.... know - the guy who wanders around drunk after old firm games  singing pro IRA songs....and wonders why he got jumped...  

  16. Its a really sad state of affairs when it boils down to players being attacked or threatened with attack.It is WRONG !!!

    Can we all not just get on with supporting our teams and feel disappointed by defeat and happy when we win without making Scotland the laughing stock of Europe. Rangers and Celtic fans who behave like this are both "Scotlands Shame" and they disgust the decent folks among us.

    But perhaps its time that Novo, Boruc ,Venegoor and the rest GROW UP and not try to be smart does not help the situation.

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