
Cena is starting to lose?

by  |  earlier

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He lost his rivalry against Triple H, then he went on with JBL and he lost the last mtach that put an end to the rivalry, and now he has lost the rivalry with Batista, but he is STILL getting booed, and i dont think WWE will be interested in making him turn heel because they get a lot of money from kids buying his merechandise, and lets be honest they care more about kids money than loyal fans views

Your views?




  1. yeah,but cena is still my fave

  2. Triple H did a similar thing about two years ago were he cleanly lost to a couple of guys in a row and stayed out of the title picture for a good year +.

    It was needed because at the time Triple H was a bigger name and presence then anybody else and they needed to do the same with Cena and take his invincible status away as it was coming to predictable that he would keep winning.

    Just wish they would abandon this idea of giving the title to develop a wrestler and just give it too the top guy. It should have been Batista beating Cena clean for the world title.  



  4. When you get involde with a girl, you start to lose. Just ask Tyson, the Beetles, Tiger Woods, Eric Lindros, Tony Romo.......

  5. I dont like his gimmick or his wrestling,they shouldn't have made him such a big main eventer in the first place,he could of been a mid eventer and still be popular but wwe just don't know anything about wrestling,kurt angle,probably the most talented wrestler in the world today,left for tna because there is proper wrestlers there,i would advise anyone who's a proper wrestling fan to watch tna

  6. coz cena dont change forgot sake he needs to add more.. he should go back to a lower mid carder and learn new skills

    triple h jbl and batista are all way way way ahead in the ring  than cena

  7. there either doing it to turn him heel or there doing it to slowly turn him into a mid carder I'mm a Cena fan but i think he is over rated i would love to see him go back to smackdown and win the U.S championship again heisn'tt an amazing wrestler but he is entertaining

  8. He should lose, he is boring.  

  9. Cena got to listen for the pop. The sound when his head comes out his rear end the first time. He's to wrapped up into the story lines to pay any detail to protecting himself by learning to wrestle and win.

  10. The thing is, Cena can just be used to hype a match up, He does a great job of getting the fans all hyped up and pumped up for a match and he can get people in seats just by his name being on the card, He can still get his merchandise selling. He doesen't really need to win anymore because he's more hype than wrestling so his mic skills alone are getting him and the wwe money.

  11. WWE wont turn cena heel because cena cant play heel good hes was rubbish and people will always boo him unless he gets sidelined for like 6 months then the crowd will miss him and want him back then he wont get booed the feud with jbl was boring and the summerslam match was ok but wwe made cena will sooo many times back in 2005 - 2007 2 years he had like a years reign between as wwe champion wwe are wanting to push some other guys now

  12. theyrs trying to make him less of a overated superstar and hope fans wont boo him as much but its too late they should have thought about that when they was shoving him down our throats

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