I mean come on, you have to be retarded if you actually think he's a good wrestler. He seriously can't have more than 10 moves and his finishers. The FU, a normal scoop slam or suplex has more impact than it, the STFU is just a crappy version of a STF, and the 5 knuckle shuffle, his fist is like a inch away from their face, I know he ain't really gonna hit 'em, but he could make that move look so much better. And some how is crappy wrestling skills always put him in the main events, he's a lot like Hogan, Hogan didn't have a lot of moves, h**l maybe even fewer than Cena, but at least he could tell a story, he could get the crowd on their feet. Cena on the other hand can't do that, atleast he doesn't do it for me. I will admit he has decent mic skills, but now days he just says the same shet over and over again, his gimmick is just getting stale, I would like to see a heel turn and him pick up more moves and I might like again. Y'all remember when he first became the rapper? He originally a heel, but the crowd wound up liking him so much that he was forced to turn face, I'm not saying Cena should go back to a rapper, but he definintley needs to try something new.