
Censorship debate for a paper!?!?

by Guest59565  |  earlier

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I'm in a government class and I'm writing a paper on cenorship and I have to debate it...what do you all think about censorship?!?




  1. Censorship is horrible and stifles thinking -- which impedes human civilization from advancing properly.

    Always be suspicious of anyone advocating censorship because they are hiding something from the world.

  2. I think censorship is generally pointless, usually unnecessary, and often WRONG. Protecting children from controversy prevents moral development (for instance, someone who is never allowed to see bad behavior of any sort, will never learn to CHOOSE not to behave badly. Books and movies and songs allow people to experience bad things vicariously, without risking the mistake in real life.  Censorship not only hinders moral development, it also hinders the development of critical thinking.  

    One GREAT book is _Parental Advisory: Music Censorship in America_.  Also take a look at the ALA's list of th most commonly banned and challenged books and authors. Most of them are really great books, and wonderful writers.

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