
Center Stage final dance?

by  |  earlier

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For Cooper's dance, after the first part of it when they're on the bed and it's choreographed, what's the point of that? I see how it works with what the dance is about, but they're offstage and the audience isn't there...maybe I'm just stupid, but I've seen the movie multiple times and I've never really understood why that was in there if it's not a part of the on stage dance.




  1. they are one stage for that part of the dance

  2. the bed is on the stage so the audience is there watching them =^..^=

  3. I agree with megan,  they added the bed scene to make an obvious connection to the offstage relationship and also to make the piece more scandelous.

    The entire Cooper piece is hard to get a handle on because the movie audience doesnt see any transitions.   The bed scene is done onstage, but we miss the transition to the bed scene.

  4. That part always confused me too.  I get the impression that they just kind of threw it in at the last minute to make it more evident that Cooper's dance was a reflection of his and Jody's relationship.

    Great movie though.

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