
Centipedes and their ilk?

by  |  earlier

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Where do they reside (in my house)? How do they reproduce?

How can I stop them? What in the blazes are they good for???

I basically believe that everything on the Earth, with the exception of certain humans, are here for a reason and that there is a balance to nature but I just had to deal with an early morning centipede, tried to trap it in a shoebox (to take outside) but it got away and into the closet. I just really do not want to see these critters!! Help!




  1. I am afraid of them as well but you should know about them.

    Centipedes have same purpose just as other insects have, like -

    1. Pollination.

    2. Hunters for other animals.

    2. Prey for other animals.

    Centipedes Control -

    I first encountered a house centipede the summer I was 12. I saw it on my way to bed one night, crouching on the wall above the stairs. I stood motionless, staring at it while I decided whether to wake my dad to ask him what that thing was, and to kill it for me. I’m notoriously phobic of creepy-crawlies, and was shaken enough to decide that waking my dad after midnight because of a bug that looked like this one was justifiable. He disagreed. Before going back to bed (leaving the centipede undisturbed), he told me that they crawl all over you and bite you while you sleep. The next morning, in a slightly repentant mood, he told me that this probably wasn’t true. Turns out, it’s not. Centipedes rarely bite people, and sometimes their jaws aren’t even strong enough to pierce human skin in self-defense. If they manage it, a centipede bite will usually resemble a minor bee sting in a human or large mammal like a cat or dog.

    The only creatures that need to worry about house centipedes are their fellow pests, since centipedes kill and eat a variety of things you’d probably rather get rid of, like bedbugs, termites, silverfish, spiders, and even roaches. Technically, then, they’re desirable in the home, but people have been telling me that about spiders for years, and I don’t want to find one of them in the shower with me, either. So if you’re with me, read on, and I’ll help you get rid of centipedes.

    Source -

    Know more about it, here -

  2. How ironic you ask I actually just got attacked by two giant centipedes (and when i say giant I mean the type not the size though they were) They were as long as the bottom of a swiffer sweeper and were around 2inches wide. They live under things where lots of bugs are and hunt at night near lights and such where bug are. They also like drains (sink, shower, etc.)  They reproduce sexually and have a matting season. THEY ARE GOOD FOR NOTHING but to scare the daylights out of me and you. Please just kill the d**n things. I dont know where you are but here we have a product called BOP that kills them but it is illegal in the US. I would try raid and you might consider a pest control specialist .... repelants really seem to work on them and they die fairly easily compared to bedbugs and cockroaches. Be warned that they go though a dieing dance that is quite scary and can run fast. You could call someone like terminx and ask them. If you find something that can repel them that you can buy at the store let me know. I hate the b******s. Oh yeah they also have a very nasty bite that can cause allergic reactions, severe swelling, lots of pain. Until you get rid of them check your bed before you go to sleep at night, you pillow cases, the ceiling above your bed and your shoes. I have to do this everyday twice a day, it seems like a lot but I know people that have had babies attacked. Did I mention I hate them. Good luck. Please let us know how it goes. And if you are wondering here is the type I am dealing with

    Mine were smaller than that one but not much.

    Some species can actually be deadly but unless your in south America or the Caribbean as I am you should not worry about the bite as much.
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