
Centipedes in my apt? Help!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so there was a centipede like 2feet above my wall of my bed (not ceiling) What can I do to ensure he is no longer in the room?? The exterminator isn't coming until Thursday. I HATE centipedes (the house kind that live in the basement, creepy crawlers, ew)

My apartment isn't damp, I don't get why he was in my bedroom!!! And SO close to my bed. I didn't kill him, so I know he is still in there. But there is no way I will be able to sleep. Please help :(




  1. They love brick buildings. I know because my house is brick and we get them all the time. If it makes you feel any better, they are really afraid of people and will not come near you if they can help it. They also don't bite.

  2. Why don't you just smack him with a shoe so you can get some piece of mind?

    They're probably coming from the basement of the apt. should tell your landlord so they can try to get a dehumidifier or something down there.

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