
Central Air Conditioner Not Working?

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My husband and I are renting a house and the central air stopped working, when we turn the a/c on and the fan starts, but instead of it getting cooler, the temp is actually going up. Now I really wouldn't be so worried about it, but I have a newborn and he really doesn't like the heat. I tried to call the a/c repair company to come out and see what's wrong, but he won't even come out and look at it without our landlord's approval, which she won't give.

And, another question, can she really refuse to fix the a/c? Is there anything we can do to make her? She lives in the basement, but it doesn't really affect her because every time it gets hot her and her boyfriend go to the coast!




  1. Explain to your landlord that you have a newborn and that it is unhealthy for it. In the mean time you may want to get a portable unit so you can put it in the babies room. Stay cool though

  2. you need the ac guy to look at the compressor. broken or low on freon. i would think she rented you a place with a working a/c. you can pay for it but i wouldnt let her off the hook. skinflint ole heifer.

  3. umm call them and tell them to come fix your can always take her to small claims court later..i actually did do this..and i won...she tried to say she paid someone and had the check to fix the air...the thing is it did nothing..the house was still 107 in the the state of nc...i won..i proved my case against her being a slum lord...if you have a shows what you are responsible for..if she does not have that written down...its still her can call your housing authority in your city..but im telling you..she will have to pay the bill....

  4. when your thermostat clicks on check the outside unit to make sure that the condenser fan is running. On some units there is a breaker on the outside of the house where the lines go through the walls check that and the main a/c breaker inside the house. If central air was part of the selling point of the apartment then it has to run or she's breaching the rental agreement. There are also some local codes which demand that air conditioning be repaired within a certain amount of time or when temperatures exceed certain limits. Check the local codes and enforcement.

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