
Central air conditioner is leaking water?

by Guest21246  |  earlier

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Our central air has a water leak. The water is leaking out the back of the condenser unit (the drain pipe is in the front). I've determined that the drain pipe is not clogged. What else could I look at?

I estimate that the amount of water leaked in a 24 hour period to be 1-2 gallons based on the dampness of the carpet surrounding it.

Other info: A freon leak was sealed recently and the unit was recharged with freon.




  1. It sounds like a connection to the drain pipe needs to be replaced.

  2. Are you sure that the collection pan/drain pan is level?  Is the water clear and not full of dust etc?

    A little bleach will keep it clear.

    I had  a bad experience with an unlevel pan.  Ceiling fell in.

  3. Check the seals on the pipes inside the unit but be careful because that could void the manufacturer's warranty (if you still have one) and there may be a crack in the line somewhere.

  4. If water is forming as you stated, you condensation line is definitely clogged. I don't know how you determined it wasn't. Buy a coupling of the appropriate size  ( usually 1" ) some primer and glue. Cut the pipe at a straight section close to the unit with a hacksaw. Use a shop vac to suck out the pipe in both directions. Use your hand around the hose and pipe to seal it off for max suction. Make sure you suck out all the condensation from the end going into the unit or water will be a problem when gluing the coupling in place. You should prime both ends of the pipe about 1 1/2" long as well as the inside of both ends of the coupling. When dry, spread glue over primed area of one end of pipe and inside of one end of coupling. Work quickly as the glue sets up very quickly. Press glued end of coupling onto glued end of pipe. Press together for about 30 seconds and repeat on other end. Once complete you're done.

  5. It's your evaporator not your condenser and the very first thing that I would do is look at the cleanliness of your indoor coil,underneath it,where the air hits it first(your return).The second thing would that I would do is look why the pan is backing up and blow the drain out.

    If the coil is filthy,that explains it.

    Good luck.

    Turn off the unit ,remove the panel,get a flashlight and check it out.

    If you don't have any compressed air try to locate the drain o*****e(where the drain connects to the pan)and stick  a coat hanger in the o*****e to clear it.Ultimately the pan needs to be entirely cleaned out though.

  6. the water should drain into the drain pipe. maybe the A/C unit is slanted the wrong way and the water is not running in the right direction.

    It is not a water leak,,,it is condensation,,,,,perfectly normal.

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