I've got central air. The air temp coming out of the vent was only 7 degrees lower than the actual room temp. A tech put 1 lb of freon in it but that did nothing. I got another tech to come and he cleaned the coil and said that if that didn't work it might need to be "weighed back in" --- there might be air in the freon and it needs to be emptied, vacuum the air out, and then refilled. A year ago, the previous owners did have somebody put freon in so it's very possible that they got somebody who didn't know what they were doing. He was planning on doing this on Monday, if the coil cleaning didn't work. It's MUCH worse now since he cleaned the coil. The air temp has only a 3 degree difference now, and I think the outside unit sounds "different" than what it did before. I might be wrong though and just looking for things. Will I need a new unit? And, should I just shut this off? It's 88 degrees outside and 83 degrees in here. The heat index is 91. The unit has run nonstop for a week.