
Central idea of the poem the soul's prayer by sarojini naidu?

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  1. Guest33890


  2. The poem is a lyrics type. The poem is an imaginary conversation between the conscience and the God. It is an autobiographical poem in which the poetess has shown the inquisitiveness of a depressed human being to know the various metaphysical aspect of life. The poem is dealing with the emossion of a single person. Though it is a very common thought, we nowhere find that it is a community question.

    As the title suggests, the poet's idea is a discussion between the speaker and God about the nature of existence, questions that would be most likely offered during a prayer.  The speaker is searching for "the inmost laws of life and death," seeking answers to questions that strike at the heart of living and consciousness. The answers received from the divine force reveal the nature of suffering, love, and pain.  The poem concludes with a belief that life and death are interlinked between one another, reflecting eachother.  The imagery featured in the responses such as " love burn like a fire" and "pain cleanse like a flame" suggests that interlinked pain and joy within being.

  3. the theme of the soul's prayer is that life and death are the two sides of a same coin. the poetess wants to tell us that the depth of life and the knowledge of death are to be inculcated while one is a child. in this poem, sarojini naidu is a girl of 13 years old. she makes a blind prayer to God asking for the happiness and sorrows of life. she asks what is the meaning of death. god says that he will grant her prayer. but she does not know what she has asked him for. he tells her that fire will clense her soul. the poetess tells us that all the happiness and sufferings of life only make us more pure- more near to god. the line "sevenfold height" has a deep meaning. the number 7 is a very mysterious number-

    7 seas

    7 oceans

    7 colours of the rainbow

    7 continents.

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