
Centrepiece - mirror or no mirror?

by  |  earlier

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so here is a mock up of our centrepiece. you have to imagine all the plates and cutlery and stuff on the table. and the chairs will have silver sash's.

Question: should i have the mirror on the box or not? the fabric is a bit loose as i just quickly pinned it and its charcoal (not dark blue like it looks in the photo). and there will be four votives, one on each side. at the moment i just used the candles i had lying around.

so mirror or no mirror? i'm also thinking of having a light cream table runner. would that be ok to match with silver sash's on the chairs? and should i keep the candle colour in the pic or get silver ones?




  1. I would do the mirror.  it looks more elegant and less plain.

  2. Use the mirror. You need color , I don't like the candelabras, I would use Hurricane ( large) holders and put a tall 3-4 in. round, candle in it. pale pink. I would also use pink votive candles, The candelabras look too stark, you need warmth and a little color.  EDIT: by using the Hurricane you avoid the chance of something catching on fire, Also some places won't allow open flames.

  3. I say definitely the mirror - I think that the mirror gives it a little something extra.... I would need to see the candles in silver, but it sounds like it would look nice....

  4. I  personally dont like the mirror thing the candles look classy and sophisticated but the mirrors are overused and i think they fit a more modern decor theme. Anyways what you can do is place a piece of fabric under the candle and place a lot of petals there. please remeber that this is just my opinion and it is ur wedding, good luck with everything and enjoy ur big day

  5. with the mirror

  6. Well, since your question is about the mirror and not anything else like most people are answering.  I like no mirror.

  7. The mirror is great. And reflects the candle light.

    Silver candles!!!!!

  8. oh i love that! centrepieces are hard work!!! i'm trying to sort mine out too.

    if your having a late arvo/night wedding i think the candles over the mirror will be great, will give the double glow effect. the cream runners might be a bit much, make the table too busy after all the plates, cuttlery and glasses etc...

    the candle colours are great, that or white, if you go silver candles and silver sash's, agian i think it might be too much.

    good luck, it looks wonderful so far!

  9. The whole thing looks dangerous to me. Lite candles on a table with children around that could get burnt or for that matter set fire to the table?

    It looks strange  the candle on the box... it looks wobbly like it could come crashing down at any minute. Not to mention the hot wax is going to drip all over the place and look like c**p. It just takes on person to get up from there seat and bump the table and that candle will come down and start a fire with the table cloth. it is a fire hazard.

    I would come up with something that is way nicer and elegant. there is no class in that mangled thing. People could sue you if something/someone were to catch fire....

  10. i know you just asked about the mirror, but i have some other suggestions:

    you could do the mirror with the candlebra and maybe some petals...i don't like the box. i think if you have the candles in the middle you don't need votives. just a suggestion!

    but anyways, i like it with the mirror more.

    or you could still use the box, but drape your fabric over it so it looks like waves, put the mirror on the box, and then votives.

  11. Hi and congratulations on your upcoming wedding!

    Perhaps you live in the UK or Canada....i don't know.  Here in the U.S., many venues would not let you have open flames like that.

    Really, I think it looks nice and if you are going to go with it....I definitely like it with the mirror tile.

    However, think of your guests.  If I was sitting on one side of the table and trying to converse with someone on the other side of the table, well those flickering candles would be in my way.  I much prefer something lower and  little safer looking like this:

    OR this:

  12. The box is cheap looking and makes me nervous.  Just use the candle sticks.  The plainer it is the classier it is.  The boxes look strange and out of place.  

    Also buy a nicer candle made out of beeswax so you don't have candle dripping all over the place- check your burning times!  Cheap candles from the dollar store burn sloppy, fast and look bad.

    The box things is weird- even if the fabric fits good or not.  Look at Martha's Steward wedding for idea- she has a website and you can search for centerpieces pictures.

    It just doesn't look like a "centerpiece" it looks like a craft project gone horribly wrong.

    The mirror and the candle stick don't go- you have a very lovely traditional candle stick holder and the mirror is modern.  Tie a ribbon on the candle stick and call it a day.  Don't junk it up.

    The mirror would be fine with tea candles on it- think modern and keep it low if that's your focal point.  

    Candlestick is high so don't add lower elements to it.

    It's all about balance- I just think your trying a little too hard to be different.  I just had white laterns- and they look great on the tables.  People don't know them- they notice food, booze and music but not centerpieces.

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