
Centuries ago what crimes were punished by burning at the stake in the UK?

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  1. treason,witchcraft,heresy

  2. Heresy

    Witchcraft (in some cases)

    High treason or Petty treason (women only) ("High Treason included such offences as counterfeiting money and "coining" (the clipping of coins for pieces of silver and gold which were melted down to produce counterfeit coins), possession of coining equipment and colouring base metal coins (to pass them off as of higher value). Petty Treason was the murder by a woman of her husband or her mistress, as they were considered her superiors in law.")

  3. Heresy, Suspicion of being a Witch or other agent of the Devil, Murder (sometimes) Sometimes they burned people just for being a different denomination of Christianity than the Monarch.

  4. Changing religion (heresy), witchcraft. All the details are on:

  5. Heresy.  Witchcraft was punishable by hanging, not burning.  And people were not hanged on being suspected of being a witch, as a comment above suggests, you had to be tried and convincted, and it was not an easy charge to prove.  overall, about 50% of people charged with witchcraft were acquitted.

    People who committed treason were normally hanged, drawn, and quartered, or if they were of noble birth beheaded.

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