
Cercumsion ????????????

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how much sensitivity cercumsion take away is it a lot or just a little





    the parts removed in circumcision are 4 TIMES more sensitive then what is left after circumcision

  2. There are some people around who are almost fanatically anti-circumcision. If you look at their websites, you may end up thinking that removing an infant's f******n is as evil as chopping off one of his hands. But - as someone who was circumcised at birth - it does seem to me that there's a lot more going on in the minds of anti-circumcision fanatics than just a belief that "natural is best". It does seem to me that guys who have serious problems being circumcised sometimes have issues that are much more complicated than just that, so I do question some of the views they express.

    I think anti-circ campaigners are right to say that parents should not have their children circumcised as a matter of course, but it's all to easy for some guys to slip into "victim" mode when they read the stuff on those sites talking about how bad circumcision is.

    It is true that there are a lot of nerve endings in the f******n. So it is true that circumcision removes a lot of sensitivity.

    But it seems to me that the only important question is whether circumcision removes TOO MUCH sensitivity from the p***s. As far as I'm concerned, too much sensitivity has been lost from an organ or appendage if it can't fufil it's function. If a circumcision has been done correctly, the p***s is still able to work correctly: s*x is still ejoyable and o****m with ejaculation occurs.

    Do I, as a circumcised man, enjoy s*x? Absolutely, very much. Have my sexual partners been happy with my p***s? Most have made positive comments about how it looks and all have been very happy with its performance.

    Are the sensations I enjoy the same as those of a circumcised man? Probably not. Do I enjoy s*x as much as I would if was uncircumcised? I don't know and it's a useless, negative question to ask myself since I can't change how I am.

    It seems to me far healthier for me to focus on the fact that circumcision has not prevented me from having a healthy and extremely pleasurable s*x life rather than dwelling on how things might have been different if my parents hadn't had me snipped as an infant, brooding on how much that makes me resent them and fixating on how my p***s does not look "natural".

  3. I think it depends on each person and how much f******n is removed. I only think it is necessary in the case of serious phimosis. The f******n also protects the glans and maintains more sensitivity there, as well as the most sensitive nerve, the frenulum.

  4. It doesn't. Circumcision should be mandated at birth by law. The health benefits are so worth it. Plus, circumcised men look a whole lot better than uncut men.

  5. I masturbated before and after my circumcision and feels pretty much the same.

  6. >.> Don't get one... Theres really no point...

    'Course it's really not my place to say...

    I'd say more but i really don't want to get too off question, ya know, i could explain my points, but with as much as i know about the male anatomy at my age you'd think i was nuts.

  7. lack of sensitivity there isn't much of a problem with most guys. Sometimes being a little less sensitive is a good thing, if it takes a bit longer it's usually better.

  8. Well they cut of like thousands of nerve endings so I'm guessing a lot. Plus the foreksin covers the head (the most sensitive part) so if that's gone and the head is always exposed then that make is less sensitive too. But most guys get circumcised when they are a baby and grow up like that. So they don't notice a difference either way. You would only really care about this if you were uncircumcised and later chose to get circumcised. Then you would probably feel the difference. Otherwise, it wouldn't matter to you because it would still feel about as good as it can from your perspective. I'm circumcised (since birth) and s*x and masturbation feels awesome for me, but I'm sure that if I still had a f******n if would feel even better for obvious reasons.  

  9. it is circumcision... and a bit

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