
Certain dry antiperspirant???

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ok people i really sweat a lot which is kinda embarrassing and causes uneasiness,few days ago i got certain dri and started using it,how long do i have to continue using it?and does it have any side effects?

and is there a more effective way to stop excess armpit sweating other than certain dri?




  1. As far as I know, you have to use Certain-Dri every night.  I did not like Certain-Dri, it made my underarms itch.  I use the new Clinical Strength deodorants that are out now and they work pretty good.  I use Secret Clinical Strength.  

  2. Certain Dri takes a couple weeks

    But you will sweat somewhere else as stated in the directions

  3. use clincal strength stuff. certain try kind of works on stopping excessive sweat but it starts smelling really nasty after a while and has been known to irritate skin.

  4. I had the same problem...honestly i didn't use certain dry long enough to see its effects :(  But i found that most deo's contain aluminum which can clog the sweat glands in your armpits...thats kind of how it works...however aluminum is BAD for you and has been shown to cause cancers in underarms...  I have also found that the less deo i use, the less i sweat?  I think (and mind you this is my opinion) that we sweat more when we wear lots of deo bc our glands are trying to unclog themselves...if that makes sense.  I started wearing less and less deo...on the weekends, if i don't have big plans, i try not to wear deo (just around the house).  I have been doing this, weaning myself off deo, over the summer and now i hardly need any.  My mom has never worn deo and doesn't need it...i mean, if shes playing softball or if we are at the beach or something she will wear it, but just for everyday life, she honestly doesn't need it... I think its our society that forces us to use it... Now no doubt, i do use it DAILY if i am going out or going to be around ppl..(i have a terrible phobia of someone smelling me...i literally carry deo in my purse at all times and there have been times that i have put it on multiple times daily bc i was sweating so much...) but now i try to use as little as possible-- another thing i wear men's deo its speed stick ocean surf i think..anyway, its blue and its not an antiperspirant but it works for me and smells great :)  

    So anyway, opinion but i think the less we wear, the less we sweat so try wearing less and see if you sweat less...also i think that a lot of the problem is in our heads-- at least mine was ( i was so afraid that someone would smell me that i would stress myself out and hence sweat...funny thing, i've never really had BO...its just all in my head...)

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