
Certificate of No Impediment?

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I am from the US and am planning to get married soon in Russia. The problem I am having is with the "Certificate of No Impediment", the paper that says your not married. Apparently the US government doesn't do such a thing. Has anyone from the US gone through these steps without having to go to the Embassy in Moscow? I would love any help I can get.




  1. You have to fly to Russia, and go to the US Embassy in Moscow. They issue the "Certificat of Non Impediment" to US citizens.

    You have to swear to the US Consulate Officer that you have never been married (or that you are divorced), and they will give you the form after you pay the fee.

    You then have to take it to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and have it legalized (they verify it was actually signed by the US Consulate, and stamp it).

    You really need to contact the Central or Regional Marriage Department where you will be married, and obtain a list of documents you will need to take to the department before they will marry you, and contact the US embassy to see what days they issue this document. The price varies.

    Also expect that you will have a waiting period of up to 30 days before you can marry.

  2. Before you go to Russia, you definately need to speak to the Russian consulate at (202) 298-5700 in Washington, DC.  It is a very important documant to have.  Marriages can be annulled and applications for citizenship lost.

    Some countries even go so far as having you take a blood test to make shure your genes are compatible to have children.  The marriage certificate is accepted all around the world but it is only legal if it is legal in the country of origin.  For example you cant go to Japan and have a marriage certificate forged.  Or you can just have a simple ceremony in Russia and get your fiancee a K-1 visa and get married over here.

  3. Actually, the US government does do such a thing, at the Embassy in Moscow.  There is no way to avoid going there; the Russian government will expect that form to be notarized at the Embassy.  You won't be allowed to marry without it.

    Here is the entire process:

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