
Cervical cap, Diaphragm, Sponge (wats better?)?

by  |  earlier

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which one of these birth control methods do you think is better, easier to put in more convenient, etc..




  1. It's really a matter of personal preference, but I think the diaphragm is good.

  2. as a matter of convenience you can't go past an iud, you gynaecologist inserts it and it stays there for 5 yrs. there's also the one where they put what looks like little matchsticks in your upper arm and it's good for 3 yrs (name of this escapes me right now), pill is good if you remember to take it, diaphragms, etc are like condom for females really- whilst they're easy to insert and remove, it can detract from the act (the mood) if your having to stop what your doing to go and put it in, unless you have the forethought of inserting it prior to starting all together. matter of personal choice really, and what suits your lifestyle, your age, your sexual activity levels, etc. i myself have problems with taking hormones( i get quite ill ) and am forced to use condoms or diaphragms, so check it out and talk to your gynaecologist or gp about your options and try some out. if you don't like it you can change (even with the iud's, etc)  

  3. i would suggest the MIRENA IUD. i have had no problems.

  4. Neither! I've used them all because I wanted to see what would work best! They are HIGHLY inconvenient to use. The diaphragm you must put and leave it in there 45-1hr before having s*x and then you MUST leave in there for 6-8 hours afterwards. On top of that....they are NOT as effective as the pill, patch, IUD. My mother used a diaphragm and got pregnant not once, not twice, but 4 times!!! My midwife explained all of this to me after I had a baby. So why not explain your concerns to your OB/GYN dr. And ask their opinion of what works best. They may even be able to choose something that's more suitable for your needs!

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