
Cervical loop excision - haemorraging afterwards - Why?

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I am after some information please. I recently had a colposcopy and they did a cervical loop excision to remove some pre-cancerous cells.

ten days later I suddenly got heavy bleeding. My period is regular and it was much much heavier than a period. I went to the hospital and they cauterised the area. My problem is that I can not seem to get any explanation for WHY it happened. They said such heavy bleeding is rare but did not list the possible causes. (I really did try to get information but they werent giving it to me). I have had antibiotics for possible infection. I have not had intercourse or douche or anything like that.

Any insight please. Thanks




  1. i also had that procedure done about 2 years ain pretty is it..? was probably cos they did not cauterise the cervix properly....but hey they arent gonna admit to that then are they?

    i assume they gave you the tube of cream for afterwards?....witht he aplictor type that you could apply the cream..up there?...i assume they did.....

    my heart goes out to you...i know exactly how your feeling..chin up :)

  2. I work as a Gynaecology nurse on a Colposcopy clinic where we do many of these procedures every day. The simple reason is, nobody knows why this has happened.

    Sometimes the healing "scab" on your cervix will just come free, it doesnt need to be anything you have done wrong, it just happens sometimes. And there is no way of telling who it may happen to. Unfortunately this time it was you.

    It would not have been the colposcopy nurse/doctor who did not cauterise it properly, as this is always done until the bleeding has more or less stopped at the time - they would not leave you bleeding. And the fact that it happened 10 days later backs this up.

    I hope everything is sorted for you now :)

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