
Cervix question, TTC 3DPO. Prob TMI!

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I just had my IUD out last month and after had 12 days of very heavy bleeding. We werent relly expecting to be pg this month but I and driving myself nuts here. OK!

Here goes:

day after bleeding my cervix felt small and high.

cycle day 14- Very wet down there, did the deed a few times on day 13

now, 3dpo

CM seems same as usual. cervix is bigger and soft (felt like when I was PG with first baby)

just did the deed and cervix was very very tender

have gas and direah (see told you, too much info!)

HAve been feeling faint cramps on and off (and felt egg release on day 14) Breast are the same, no nausea, no more heart burn the regular. HAD to have lemon pepper salmon today, drove out of town to get it. (not a normal food for me, but made my mouth water!)

Good signs for a BFP?!?!

I hate the two week wait!




  1. I hated the two week wait also. My daughter is now 4 months old so this time last year I was exactly the same as what you are now. As soon as I'd ovulated I thought I was experiencing symptoms. I'm not sure how much of that is down to wishful thinking than actual symptoms but there you go. I think I knew pretty much straight aways that we had been successful as I did with my son so yes, you could be pregnant. After 10 days I did an early test and it was positive so good luck.

  2. I have had all the same things as you.. but a month or so back.. i felt the bigger softer squishy cervix and WET WET WET.. but then bfn on approx 10 tests now.. i'm 3 wks late.. but also have pcos so i'm not suer if i actually ovulated or if my body wanted to and just forgot what it was suppose to do..

    I am continueously cramping and somedays find it hard to sit down for too long (i work as an admin manager so sitting down all day is my job).

    Good luck!  

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