
Cervix ripening gel...any experiences?

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Well I am 38 weeks and 3 days prego and ended up in the hospital over the night due to a severe headache that was not affected by Tylenol...I have been having issues with my blood pressure and possible pre eclampsia so I had to get checked out. My doc didn't want to induce me today because I am only a fingertip dialated and 70% effaced, so he scheduled my induction on Friday morning, but they used this gel stuff (primadil or something?) to ripen my cervix so hopefully there is some progress between now and Friday....Anyone know any experiences with this gel and did it help to move things along any? Also, is a fingertip dialation less than 1cm? Any info on this would be awesome! Thanks!!




  1. I think the gel they gave me to induce me was called Cervadil- can't remember exactly that was with my first child 7 years ago. I had not dilated AT ALL! And they induced me for the same reason. They even started me on Magnesium Sulfate because I was about to have seizures. They said it could take 12-18 hours to work and might have had to get it again but 5 hours later I had dilated to 4cm. Everything will be fine. It helps. And I think fingertip is less than 1cm~

    Good luck and happy baby.  

  2. PLEASE read up on nutrition and pre-eclampsia!  The cause and cure is well known, but American doctors mostly refuse to face it!

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