
Cesc Fabregas frustrated with not winning any trophies with Arsenal as Barcelona start to sniff around

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Cesc Fabregas frustrated with not winning any trophies with Arsenal as Barcelona start to sniff around
Arsenal and Spanish World Cup winner, Cesc Fabregas has gone on to finally admit to the level of frustration that he has achieved, after seeing out yet another trophy less season with the Gunners. However, the player seems to have timed his comments in such a way, that they overlap countless rumours regarding Barcelona starting to make a new and improved bid for the midfielder in the near future.
Fabregas has been a long term target for Barcelona, the club that he represented as a youth player. In fact, the player has also publically gone on to admit that he would one day like to return to and play for Barcelona.
However, at the same time, the player has gone on to state that he would never publically go on to state that he wishes to leave the club, since the respect that he has for guarantee trophies and winning some form of silverware with the Catalans, is almost a sure shot thing.
Fabregas when talking about Barcelona is reported to have said: “Barcelona guarantee titles in the past, present and the future. Just as Manchester United, Bayern Munich and Madrid do; they are institutions which, whatever happens, will always guarantee you titles. And it's clear that I, as a player, want to keep improving every day and see how far I can go.”
When asked as to if the player was frustrated with the fact that he was not winning as many trophies as he would have hoped to, Fabregas responded by stating: "I am [frustrated at not winning titles], I have said that. But I am only 24 and I said to myself the day I became a professional that I wanted to be the best I could become. It's clear there are clubs that offer you – guarantee you – titles, competition, a personal challenge, etc."
From the look of things and based on what Fabregas has to say, it seems more than just apparent that the player is longing to return to his boyhood club. However, at the same time, the player seems to be caught in two minds as he just can’t seem to turn his back on Arsenal, who made him the man that he is today.
Nonetheless, these rumours and comments seem to merely be the start of countless Fabregas – Barcelona line-ups to come in the near future.



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