
Cessna 172S - Rudder cables?

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When you look at the back of the plane, you can see the cables from the pedals attached to the rudder. If you pull on them, they have some give, but why is that?

I know there are springs somewhere along the line, but what are they for?




  1. The springs, or bungees in the rudder system are to steer the nose wheel. Notice when you park with the nosewheel turned, the rudder will be deflected. When you move the rudder by hand, it will return to that position. If you see one with the cowling off, look for the springs and cables attached to the nosewheel.

    If you will look at the rudder cables on a taildragger that has a steerable tailwheel, you can see the springs attached to horns on the tailwheel.

  2. for it can retract after a certain position

  3. I use to be an aircraft electrician.  Didn't work on props but worked on jets.

    My first question would be does it fly straight and level?  Do you have to put alot of trim to get it to fly straight and level?  If not, then it MAY be normal when the aircraft is turned off.

    Matter of fact....start the aircraft and then check to see if there is some give.  ON THE GROUND OF COURSE.  Check another Cessna 172 series if you can.  Some aircraft have hydraulic assistance or electrical assistance for flight control surfaces.  Meaning...things will be loose without the hydraulic system or electrical system operating.  If its loose when the aircraft is operating then you have a rigging problem that needs to be fixed ASAP.

    Lastly, it could be worn, missing or loose cables, springs or attachment points.  Have a qualified person check the rigging.

    The springs are to keep the pedals centered.  They also provide artificial FEEL.  Meaning....they provide resistance so you don't jam the pedals left or right in a split second.  It gives you a sense of smooth operation of the pedals.

  4. These cables have springs and 'bungees' to keep the rudders centered and to provide an artificial feel on the rudders pedals, so that you are aware that you are using the rudder. A certain amount of 'give' is always there in the system.

  5. Don't know anything about the 172, but many aircraft have control cable tension regulators on them. These serve as a way to keep the cables tight, but not to cause undo wear on the aircraft pulley grooves.

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