
Cfl all star game?

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is there a all star game in the cfl like how the nfl has the west play against the east in hawaii?




  1. Mark Cohon has talked about having one, but with an 8 team league, I think it's kinda pointless.  You'd either hafta take pretty much everybody at the skill positions for depth purposes, or have small rosters where the superstar players also would play special teams, something that many of them don't normally do.  And considering that the Pro Bowl is held in Hawaii after the NFL season is over, and isn't taken seriously by the players or the fans, where and when would you hold a CFL All-Star game in order to attract any fan support?  Overall, it's a bad idea, IMO.

  2. Where would they play it?  And when?

    There hasn't been one in my lifetime.

  3. They used to play an All-Star Game, but that was a long time ago.

    Four Roughriders were killed in a plane crash in 1956 while returning from the All-Star game in BC.  

    "In 1956, the Roughriders suffered a terrible tragedy when players Gordon Sturtridge (#73), Mel Beckett (#40), Ray Syrnyk (#56) and Mario Demarco (#55) were killed in a plane crash while returning from an all-star game in Vancouver. Flight #810 crashed into Mt. Slesse in the Coastal Mountains just south of Chilliwack, B.C. The four players’ uniforms are among the eight Roughrider numbers retired by the club."

    There wouldn't be any point in staging this anymore.  The game would have to played after the Grey Cup, when most of the imports have gone home so there wouldn't be any player interest.  It would have to be played in BC, Toronto, or Montreal (all indoor stadiums), at least until the day that the Turks and Caicos become the 11th province.  Lastly, and in my opinion, All-Star games in contact sports (Pro Bowl, NHL) are just boring, glorified, no-contact, skills competitions.

  4. Nah, but a CFL  Pro Bowl would be cool. At least for now, they should play in Rogers Centre so it can be closed up when it's cold as heck. =)
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