
Chad Billingsley? 4 innings of perfect work.?

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Do u guys think he will get the perfect game or a no hitter? what are ur thoughts?




  1. Didn't even think about the no-no, but thought he had a good shot at the shut out, the Giants arn't scoring runs...

    I hope we can keep up the hitting against the DBacks

  2. He was Lexus Player of The Game tonight.

    Did you see that 3rd out in the ninth inning?AMAZING!

    Andre Ethier and Russell Martin!! Man they just pump me up!!

  3. I hope he gets it and if only they could score runs then we would see an L.A. World Series. Not gonna happen the Giants have a hit

  4. there's 5 innings left so just wait and see

  5. no the Giants will probally win this game

  6. Don't jinx it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope he does though!

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