
Chad Johnson > Phelps in the pool?

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Lol what is the deal? chad johnson thinks he can outswim michael phelps?

whats up with NFL players, he must be one of the ******** of them all!!

What do ya think?




  1. Chad Johnson is the most worthless loudmouth moron in professional sports.   Being the attention w***e that he is, he knew he would get coverage for saying something retardedly outrageous.  d**n moron that he is.

  2. I think Ditka > Phelps > Johnson.

    Ditka above all.

  3. Chad Johnson is an idiot.

  4. I think he should change his name to Ocho Stink-o

  5. Typical NFL thug that can hardly give a press conference without sounding like a moron. Get over it, Phelps is a better athlete than Johnson could ever hope to be. People like Johnson make me, being a HUGE football fan, care about the NFL less and less. Where did the intelligence go?

  6. well first he raced a horsed with a massive head start and he thinks he could beat Phelps in the water...not a chance...Phelps would be finished by the time Johnson was 15meters through the race

  7. Chad's head is so big he would sink like a

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