
Chain reaction temper tantrums?

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Today is the final day for a 2 year old boy in my care (thankfully). For the last hour, he has been throwing random temper tantrums, screaming at the top of his lungs, crying, etc and I know he will continue until his mom 2 1/2 hours. As a result, my daughter has woken twice from her nap and is now throwing random tantrums herself.

I'm going insane and stressing out with two screaming kids. I know that as long as he doesn't stop, neither will my daughter.

I can no longer have this child in my home as a result of his mother's behaviour and his as well. While I know that some 2 year olds hit, I cannot have him hitting the other children and taking away from them, nor can I have him continue to push my daughter, whether off couches or away from her toys. He is 38lbs, my daughter, 19lbs.

Someone help me. Please tell me how to deal with 2 kids throwing tantrums, until his mom picks him up in another 2 1/2 hours.




  1. I don't know this is a hard one. When he is two the really can't comprehend that everything will be OK. Are you just a sitter or is this your nephew? I think stern helps if he is like this at home I am sure he can keep it up for a long long long time. Just bribe him to calm him down and give him something special to do or play with by himself. Then talk to the mother and explain that you cannot change her child's tantrums and she really needs to discipline him at home in order for him to get better.  Toddler will act out as much as their own parents let them and unfortunately everyone else gets stuck with repercussions.

  2. I have a problem with a child in my day care (I run a daycare from my home - and for your wise asses out there, the children are currently sleeping I'm not ignoring them. :) ) who is 4.  He has issues where he has major meltdown tantrums, attacks people, and screams and cries for hours on end.  There is a background to him that I won't get into, but I will say he is currently starting therapy, so that's good.

    I feel it was probably a mistake to remove this boy from your care, unless you just feel you can't handle it and therefore no longer a good provider to him.  If that's the case then it's good that you've asked him to go.  There really is nothing that you can do about his tantrums but let him have them.  He needs to know that this behavior will not get acknowledged or he will continue it.  Negative attention is still attention, and to a child attention is all that matters.

    When he begins his fit, walk away from him.  DO NOT speak to him or pay attention to him until he calms down.  If he sits there even for an hour, leave him be.  The exception being if he hurts other people or himself, then you obviously need to intervene.  Remove him from the area where other people are.  Do not shut him into a room by himself though.  You are being paid to be his caregiver, and you need to keep an eye on him.

    When he's finished his tantrum, talk to him about it.  Tell him that you understand that he's angry, but he cannot throw tantrums like that.  He needs to use his "big boy words" to say how he's feeling so that you can help him.

    Just tough it out.  It's only 2 1/2 hours.  If I have to deal with this every day of my life, you can do it for 2 hours.  Remember what's best for the child, and what's best for helping mold him into a respectful, loving person. :)

    Good luck!

  3. OK, this is the last day for him in your care, so lets not worry about consistency and such.

    Turn on the TV, give them something good to eat and relax. You have a young daughter and are pregnant, take the easy way out.

    I know the position you're in - couple of times I watched a friend's son and he's a little bully, so now I always have some kind of excuse. And even in most desperate situations I wont leave my daughter over there alone, as I want to make sure he wont pick on her.

    Don't feel bad about giving him sugary stuff - the sugar high has been proven to be an urban legend. And even if it's not, it won't kick in till his mom gets him!!

    Good luck.

  4. honestly its the way the parents handled him it seems like the mother has spoiled them and does not know how to care for him. so my suggestion when i care for a kid like that which i have in the past i let them throw the fit and show them that they are not getting the attention when they know they arent getting the attention (there main goal) they eventually tire themselves out and stop crying

  5. take the little kids that is throwing a fit and move him out of the area.  Put him in a quiet place and IGNORE him while he screams and cries. DO NOT let him move from that spot, if he gets up put him back.  


    He's 2 put him in a play pen or something in a bed room and close the door while he screams  Yes make sure there is nothing he can hurt himself with.

    You can take your daughter from her crib and put him in there if you have no where else. but a STERN time out, he wants attention and let him scream he'll stop I hope he does for you sanity. but ignoring a kid and being "out of sight" they will stop throwing tantrums and calm themselves down.  Usually when the keep on for hours its because they see you looking at them and getting annoyed and frustrated.

  6. Seriously, it sounds like you dont like the child and react to him accordingly.  That will have a huge impact on his behavior, if he sences that.

    Now typically, I would offer more sound advice - but in this crisis, short term situation.  I say have a party!  Really, it is his last day so allow some freedom.  Let em do something crazy that you typically wouldnt allow them to do.  For them and for your own sanity.  Take em outside to play with the sprinkler and eat popsicles...  Turn up the radio, grab some popcorn, give the kids flashlights (strobes) and have a dance off.  My kids love to do this and so indicate turns we all go "Go Jordan, Go Jordan.....etc" to the beat and the change to "Go Ian...Go Ian"  It is soo much fun.  

    If this doesnt work...just give em what they want, especially the boy you are taking care of...its his last day afterall.

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