
Chained up <span title="dog........................................?">dog.........................</span>

by Guest65226  |  earlier

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okay so, my dog is chained up all most all day i totally think its wrong but my dad is all ways out of town and he never has the time too build a fense, i have heard of a shock collar my neibors have one and they have amazing dogs but i dont know if its harm full to the dogs like in a long run. plus we live in the country and we dont want him to get close to the horses just because they are in a barb-wire fence(they have lived in one there whole live) a main high way is in front of my house as well and many of our dogs have gotten ran over but i cant let this one get killed becuase he is amazing and i love him if any of you have any ideas of helping my dog stay on our 5 acr. property can you please help my dad is thinking of getting rid of him ='[




  1. The shock collar should not harm him, it will teach him his boundaries and once he learns them he should stay away. (I&#039;m assuming you&#039;re talking about invisible fencing?) You really should get out there and take him off of his chain for a few hours everyday and play with him, just to keep him from going stir crazy. The excuse that your dad doesn&#039;t have time to build a fence, just makes you seem like you don&#039;t get out there enough. Our outside dog is out with horses on all four sides of our house, she doesn&#039;t bother them, and we also have a highway running just a couple hundred yards from the house and we had to teach her to stay away from.

  2. well i have 2 dogs of my own and when my dad had no time to build a fence we got a packed fence that we only had to pull up and then we hired some fence builders to get us a wired fence (not barbed or anything but smooth) and now our dogs can run free in the fence

  3. when i think about my dog  got chain there are two reason why he got chain up one he fight big dog that try to bit him .and two to keep him in the yard  but when i have the time i walk around the commity

  4. if you can afford it, you could just hire someone to build a fence. shock collars really aren&#039;t that bad; i used to be against them, but my neighbor uses it, and their dog is happy and healthy. she quickly caught on to the shocking, and doesn&#039;t even try to cross the line anymore, so it&#039;s not like she&#039;s continuously getting shocked. her collar also has a very quiet buzz when she gets withing two or three feet of the line, so she doesn&#039;t have to memorize exactly where it is. you can train your dog to stay, but i wouldn&#039;t trust that, because you never know if a cat or bird or person or something will make him want to run off into the high way.

  5. You can buy or build a dog run/enclosure (cheaper than fencing the property).

    Bring the dog inside alot.

    Try electric fencing with collar.

    Lots of options better than chaining the poor thing :(

  6. chaning him is the worst thing you can do. If something were to attack him like another dog or animal, your dog would be restricted to protect him self. so when you chain up a dog, he builds a wall of agression, because he is constantly worried about things going on around him. Even when he is off the chain he could be agressive. Even if it is the nicest dog. I had a friend who had a golden retriever, and the dog was tied up a lot, and because of that he got really agressive and bit two people making them bleed, and he also attacked this girl, and he was put down, tieing him up is the worst thing you could do, you could also buy him a crate and put it in the house until you  build a fence.

  7. be nice to him so that he wont want to run away , or just keep him in your house  

  8. Do you have trees or something high? Why not make a long line and hook a lead to it so the dog has allot of room to run? It can be as long as you can make it tree to tree..then attach his lead on to his cable and give him an extra 6 feet and he can run around. His safety is most important...I don&#039;t like chaining a dog but sometimes you have too.  Has he been neutered and perimeter walked so he knows his boundaries?

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