
Chainsaw oil/petrol ratio ?

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just bought a mitre 10 chainsaw and the book said 50:1 ratio and there was a sticker on the saw saying 30:1 and another reference on the box saying 30:1 .Which one do you believe?




  1. If the saw and box say 30-1  than I would have to believe that, though a 50-1 ratio wouldn't do harm to the saw, just make it run a little smokier at times.

  2. Ratio is 50:1 per gallon of gas..keep gas can shaken often because of ethanol additives...they settle and can cause problems with the saw...always keep can closed after filling sure debris around spout is cleared before filling saw..

  3. 30:1, thats what most are, at least all of the ones i have ever owned.

  4. Go with the 30 to 1. 50to 1 is pretty lean.

  5. my saw is 50:1

  6. 30 : 1

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