
Chalazion surgery after-care?

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2 days ago I had chalazion surgery. All the doctor told me was to keep the eye patch on until the next day. I did what he said but I looked up chalazion surgery and on a website it says not to get water in the eye for 7-10 days after surgery. My doctor didn't tell me anything and I plan on calling him ASAP but unfortunately he won't be in the office until Tuesday. Also, last night I was just about to go to bed when my eyelid (where one of the chalazions was) started hurting and my eye started watering really bad and when I looked in the mirror my eyelid was bleeding (from beneath). Is this normal? Furthermore, my eye still seems to have this gunky stuff in it that puts like a film over my eye blurring my vision. Is this normal?

I'm just very worried about everything. Can anyone answer these questions? Thanks!




  1. The excision was likely without closure.  That's okay and is commonly done that way.  It may still be draining.  You should have been given an ointment to use for 3 or 4 days.  Keep the eye patched and replace it as needed.  Take whatever pain reliever what prescribed or recommended.  When you speak to your doctor on Tuesday, make sure you get ALL your questions answered and that ALL your concerns are addressed.   Don't hesitate to let your doctor know that you're not pleased with the way he handled postop instructions.  Include possible postop complications as it doesn't sound like he prepared you for this either.

  2. Minor bleeding is normal for a few days of the surgery. The bleeding should stop after light pressure is applied, if it doesn't then you should consult your doctor. I am not too sure about the film on your eyes. It could be a possible infection or if the eye drops the Dr. gave you are gel instead of a liquid they can leave a film over your eyes.

  3. Call the on-call doctor.  If you call his office, the recording should give you an emergency number.  

    When he calls you back, he will tell you what to do.  

    The bleeding isn't normal.

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