
Chalk numbers on doors in germany?

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when I went to germany many houses had chalk numbers/symbols what are these ?




  1. In Berlin, especially the former east section, there are many homes and apartments which are still being heated via wood stoves.  These places need to have chiminey sweeps in twice a year to clean out the chiminey.  They put numbers and symbols on the door to indicate which apartments were swept when.

  2. Many are a catholic church thing and each year you change the number! Many other Catholic do thing. Its for when Jesus /God returns.

  3. Well explained Graf :)

  4. yes, it is a religious thing. Every year three people (mostly children) disguise as the three kings and go from house to house to bless it and the people in it. It is on 6. January, the day of the 3 holy kings. They write i.e. *20*C+M+B*07*.

    The numbers are for the year and the letters stand for the names of the kings.

  5. It's a common misconception that the letters stand for the names of the three Magi, but in fact, that's just a crib for kids to remembr what to write. The C, M and B actually stand for "Christus mansionem benedicat", which is Latin for "Christ blesses this house".

    The kids who go from house to house are called "Sternsinger" (starsingers, literally, i.e. supposed to remind you of how the Magi followed a star that led them to Jesus). They sing songs of blessing and of joy, and in exchange for the chalk writing on your door, you are supposed to donate some money to a charitably purpose that differs a bit from year to year, but usually has something to do with helping kids in Third World countries.

    It's a big tradition in Germany, as well as in Austria. In fact, it is so well-established that even the chancellor always makes a point of meeting up with some Sternsinger groups from all over the country.

  6. That is usually a left-over from the time that the three wise men came to visit the households. It is a custom that children dress up as the three wise men looking for Jesus. Then they walk through the neighbourhood and wherever they go and talk and sing to the people (like on Halloween), they mark the door with their signature and their symbols.

    Another interpretation is that C, M and B stand for "Christus mansionem benedicat", which is Latin for "Christ blessed this house".

    I think both interpretations are valid.

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