
Challange chess puzzle?

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In chess, come up with a board position in wich a stalemated side has no moves that are illegal ONLY because they would place it in check.

To explain further: There are different reasons why a move could be illegal. One small example is that a castle can't move from a1 to a5 if there is a pawn(of either color) on a2- that move would be illegal because the castle is blocked. Another reason a move could be illegal is because it places your own king in check.

So the challange here again is to come up with a board position in which a stalemated side has no moves that are illegal just because they would place it's king in check.




  1. First, a castle can take an opponents pawn if it is in the way.  Your "challenge" has too many possibilities, 1000 combinations are possible for a stalemate.

  2. I'm not quite sure exactly what you're getting at here.  The definition of a stalemate is where the opponent is not in check, but cannot move any piece (including the king obviously not being able to move to a space that is being attacked.)

    If you're talking about a specific situation where other pieces could move, but that would place the king in check, here's but one of many options:

    white: pawn on a2, king on a1.  

    black: rook on b3, rook on a3, king on h8.

    White to move.  He cannot obviously push the pawn, or move the king.  He also cannot take the rook with the pawn, as that would also place his king in check.  White is stalemated.

    Hope that helps...

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