
Challenge me to find things in the supermarket.?

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I'm off to what claims to be the largest Tesco in Europe. Challenge me to find something odd there and I'll let you know how I get on. Please make them bizarre but plausible, for instance I'll look for something odd like scorpion lollies but not chain-saws or grandfather clocks!




  1. What about...

    - Cheese flavour meal worms (I've bought them in Toronto, Ontario,   Canada before)

    - Wasabi flavoured chips (I've eatten these, yummy)

    - Canned beef brains

    - Turkduken (turkey stuffed with a duck, stuffed with a chicken)

    - Live sunfish

  2. Here's my scavenger list:

    A Nintendo Entertainment System video game

    An American Flag

    A poster for the movie "Donnie Darko"

    A weed keychain

    A first generation iPod

    And bowling shoes.

    That shouldn't be too hard. Have fun!

  3. Fresh moose milk.

    Lightly sautéd blubber with a delicate herb sauce.

    Italian Cameloni. "One hump or two?"

    Pot Roast. I understand it's legal in some countries!


    Don't get me started. Oh, you already did!


  4. deep fried magots

  5. Mexican potato chips. What u wanted a challenge right?

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