
Championship scramble match...?

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i think that the championship scramble match is a creative concept and should be interesting

what r your thoughts about this match..and who do u think will end up wit the belt

and im gonna e bored im gonna make a if u want in just say =D




  1. It's an interesting concept for sure.

    I wasn't impressed with the rules the first time over, but I like the changes.. It should be interesting because it's never been done, always good to mix it up. I would have rather seen some different competitors though, but the list is decent.

    Overall it should be a good watch, if ya smell what the Rock is cookin ;)

  2. ROH already did that(im pretty sure if i remember right.) if adamle said its an adamle original im gonna punch him in his d*ck

    i think punk will retain, or cena or batista will win it

    i think HHH will retain. i want either shelton, MVP, or hardy to win tho

    sure ill be in. havent seen these in a while

  3. Me2 its very interesting

    i think it will be HHH he haasnt denfended the title for very long

  4. Yeah, it's already been done before. I'm really sad that they would call it original.  

    My thoughts on it are sketchy, as I have never seen one before, especially with these superstars. I'd have to actually watch it.

    In both matches, I would like to see new faces to titles: Kane and, well with the SD it's all new faces, and would love to see really anyone besides HHH.

    Raw: I think Kane or JBL will win to shake it up. I think JBL since they've been leaning towards him with the Y2J, Punk, and him a little while ago.

    Smackdown: I really don't know about this one. I just hope HHH doesn't retain, although I think he might.

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