
Chance of getting pregnant?

by Guest59215  |  earlier

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i had s*x a few days before my period and my boyfriend came inside me i was wondering how likely it would be of me getting pregnant? please help!! thank you!!




  1. well u could be but it depends on it the s***n found a fertil egg which most likely happened im not sure if im right but im pretty sure i am but how old r u and i would take a test then go to a planed prego. thing to get a free prego. test

  2. Still a possibility of pregnancy. I would get to the doctor and get a test or wait out a few weeks before taking a home test.

  3. very slim, but still a chance.

    most pregnancy occur about 12-14 days after the womens 1 day of her last AF

    Good luck anyway!

  4. it's slim, but not immpossible. You have a higher chance mid-period. 14 days after you last period.. No worries

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