
Chance to get 10 points on an Essay in Academic American Goverment/Economics?

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1st Essay

1. What is the most important issue facing the global economy? Explain the issue in detail and your reasoning for it being so important.

2nd Essay

Describe the ways that the goverment can effect the economy. Which is the way that provides the most impact on the economy? why?

3rd Essay Choose an industry or market. Describe how the prices are set, how the firm will make a profit, and the effects of the business cycle.

which ever Essay you feel like to do go for it the best essay person 100% will get 10 points.




  1. 1. I believe unstable energy sources are/need to be the number one issue on peoples minds, and are the biggest issue concerning global economies. Relying on fossil fuels such as; oil, coal, and natural gas, these forms of energy are inefficient and need to be viewed as obsolete. If they are not viewed as obsolete soon then we may be faced with peaks in production, and production not meeting demand. I fear that this recent rise in oil prices are the cause of global supply and demand not being met sufficiently, some say this rise in oil futures are caused by "evil" speculators and monopolizing energy companies. But, as many well respected investors have said speculators do not create trends they follow them, this is very much true; speculators don't want to take risks because taking risks sometimes requires loosing money which is what speculators are trying oh so very hard not to do.

    Some people may say, "Well what about the sharp sixteen dollar drop in oil futures that have happened recently?". This might show that this was an artificial energy crisis. But, just like in the 70's people didn't take that artificial crisis seriously either. But, either way, the trouble of this unstable oil market is that it is unstable. So much of the world relies on this unstable non-renewable energy source that it's worth it's trouble to keep the trouble.

    We need reformed energy policies and strong stern talks with OPEC and in the meantime rebuilding the american spirt, and encourage that time to change is now. Teach people how these forms of energy are...

    Ok, sorry that's as far as I got, it's not bad...I mean cut me some slack I'm only freakin 14...I just can't type anymore lol

  2. your anwers is on fb from chhs website just click on my message and click that website and there is ur all the essays and the which ever essay you like that ur answer

  3. 2nd Essay

    The government can theoretically have a significant impact on the economy in a number of ways. The first, and arguably most important impact, is legislation that protects private property. Without protections for private property, or intellectual property (in the form of copyrights and patents) there would be little incentive for significant investment in large projects. The second, and complimentary job of the government, is to enforce contracts.

    The government can also significantly impact the economy by subsidizing or taxing certain industries and behaviors. For example, if the government lowers the corporate income tax, many economists believe the price of goods could fall (since corporations can essentially pass any tax onto the consumer) and new jobs and businesses should be created. Anything involving business is based on a calculation of the potential profit. Since lower taxes increase the potential for profit more businesses will develop - especially businesses that would have been less profitable (or more risky) with higher corporate taxes. The government can also influence business activity through regulation or laws. For example, a cap on carbon emissions could make it more costly for utility companies to operate.

    The government can also impact the economy through fiscal stimulus- by increasing government spending or reducing taxes. If government spending increases more jobs can be created and it may increase overall GDP (at least temporarily) and reduce unemployment.

    This is all introductory material but it would take forever to tackle the essay in complete detail.

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