I have had headaches for a week now. They are not persistant just come and go throughout the day. I also have pain behind the eyes. The eye pain is dull and again it just comes and goes.
Non of the pains are extreme but they are annoying.
I had an emergency appointment at the doctors 2 days ago and he said he can't see nothing wrong with my eyes. I have large optic disks, but he said they are clean cut and in the event of a problem they would be distorted. My optemetrist checked me last month because a different doctor noticed the adnormal optic disks but the optememtrist along with my doctor said is physiological optic disk cupping.
I have been reading the symptoms of glaucoma and to be honest mine don't match. I have no vision loss, no halos, no blured vision. Nothing. Even people with glucoma said they didnt have my symptoms and its dont sound like i have it.
I am going to see my optemetrist monday to make sure. But very confused by this.
Anyone had this before?