
Chances i might be pregnant?

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I lost my virginity today. Probably to the wrong guy, as I'm not in love with him, but that's another issue for another day. I'm now incredibly paranoid about pregnancy. He used a condom but at one point it fell off, so he had to pull out and put it back on. All I can think about is wether or not it went wrong and I became pregnant. I don't have a test and cant get into town to buy the morning after pill. So I was wondering, is there any other way to tell? And what are the chances I might be? Thanks. x




  1. You can Tell By a missed Period!

  2. You are probably not pregnant but the best thing you can do is get the morning after pill. It can work up to 72 hours after s*x. You should always uses a different condom if it falls off. Try not to worry about this to much because stress can make your period late and make you more paranoid. To advoid this in the future use two forms of protection.

  3. You really shouldn't reuse condoms. Period. If it fell off, he should have used a new one. That being said, we reused them all the time when I was young, and most of the time it was fine. A pregnancy test won't work until your period is due, so there'd be no sense using one anyways. Basically try to relax and hope your period comes. Chances are good that you have nothing to worry about.

  4. the chances are very very low but id go and get the morning after pill anyway it works upto 72 hours after s*x and you dont even have to have an appointment you just ask for the nurse.

  5. as of right now you arent preg but in a few days you could be but i think the chances are very low!  if your last preiod was 2 weeks ago then your chances might be a little higher!

  6. I think the chances are fairly low, if he wore a condom. If it fell off in the middle of things, then there wouldn't be a lot of sperm, just a drop and I would think the condom would have contained them.

    It also depends on the time of the month - you're most fertile about two weeks after your period started.

  7. First, you wouldn't know if you were pregnant today no matter what. It takes around 2-4 weeks after implantation for a home pregnancy to show a positive. Under most circumstances, you most fertile time is around 2 weeks after the first day of your last period. So, in your case, you would have had to have had your period around the 21st-25th of July. At this point, unfortunately, you would not know anything right now. You should though, get on birth control... and think more about who you sleep with. I was pregnant (years ago) in high school, by a guy that never really spoke to me again... from a one time thing.. and it is not good for you or a baby. If you are not informed about pregnancy and how it happens, etc... you should wait on the s*x.

  8. okay firstly once the condom slips off a new one should be used. YOU GET TO TOWN AND BUY A MORNING AFTER PILL!!! WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T? FIND A WAY OR PAY THE PRICE!!!! the morning after pill has a window of 72 can get them free from you family planning clinic.

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