
Chances of Barack Obama...?

by Guest65035  |  earlier

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Now since Obama is nominated for the President of US,

what are his chances of becoming the President of the United States?




  1. I'd say he has less of a chance than McCain, but he still has a shot, unfortunately.

  2. 4/7 exactly

  3. pretty high. that he could be nominated with no problem means the illuminati is happy with him. he will be the president.

  4. about 90%. All of the media attention has been going to the democratic nomination while McCain has kinda been left in the dust. McCain received NO media attention throughout the entire race, and therefore, has no chance of winning.

  5. Obama Is Osama

    Osama is Obama Hussein

    Beware of the Secret Muslim getting of the Nuclear briefcase.


  6. d**n I hope he wins. Will be fantastic to have someone with a more African values to "govern the world"

  7. A rather complicated question if you want actual reasons for believing one way or the other.  I'll keep it as short as I can for getting across the reasons why I believe Obama has the better chance.

    We can get the easy ones out of the way; Obama will take all the set Democrat states.  McCain will take MOST of the set Republican states.  There's a reason I believe he won't take them all.  But let's deal with swing states first.

    Those swing states are Michigan, Florida, Pennsylvania, and Ohio.

    Florida is easy.  McCain takes it, no question.  Obama's fight to not count them during the primaries will lose his support from Democrats there.  He'll take the black vote, but not much else.

    Michigan I believe goes to Obama.  Now most would think McCain for the same reason Florida goes to McCain; Obama's fight to not count them during the primaries.  But it has a huge black population and is a pro-Union state; and that will give it to Obama.

    Pennsylvania and Ohio are tossups.  It will depend entirely on why they liked Clinton as to who they will vote for between McCain and Obama.  Did Clinton's focus on taxing the corporations while cutting taxes to the middle class give it to her?  If so, they'll side Obama.  The middle class there blames the corporations heavily for their problems.  Obama has a similar plan of taking money; and that may convince them to side with Obama to "punish" the corporations for their selfishness in s******g over the middle class.

    However, they also realize that corporations provide jobs.  While they may want to teach a lesson to selfish CEOs, they don't want to do it at the expense of more jobs in an area already badly hit by the slow economy.  McCain's want to cut taxes to everyone (middle class and corporations) may speak better to them.  If they voted for Clinton over Obama because of they thought Obama too liberal in his tax ideas; McCain wins.

    The other issue that will decide this is Iraq.  These two states have taken the most losses in the Iraq War.  Every state has lost some, but no two states have lost more soldiers to this war.  So the questions come down to two.  Will the want to "not duck out of an unfinished fight" give it to McCain?  Or will the want to not lose any more soldiers to what appears to be an intractable war give it to Obama?  The answer to these two questions will decide PA and OH.

    I believe they will split the two, with Obama taking PA and McCain taking OH.

    And finally, the Republican states I believe McCain will lose to Obama.  Normally, the Republican depend on the Religious Right to deliver the South (the Bible Belt).  This area consists of Texas to Virginia, excluding Florida (normally a tossup state).  However, McCain's comments on the leadership of the Religious Right back in 2000 has seriously hurt him with this very influential crowd.  And the leadership has been pressing the Religious Right to step out of politics.

    If they vote, they will side with McCain against the pro-choice Obama.  But I believe the vast majority will stay home.

    On the other hand, those Bible Belt states also have huge black populations; which Obama has been taking handily.  With the loss of support from the Religious Right for McCain and the huge upswing in support for Obama from the black voters; I believe Obama has a great chance of taking the Bible Belt South states.

    I believe Texas and Virginia stay with McCain.  But Obama will take the normally Republican states of Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Alabama, and North and South Carolina.  That will be a huge loss for the Republicans.

    So McCain takes the Southwest and the Midwest, and some of the South.  Obama takes the Northeast, the West, the Northwest, and a huge chunk of the South.  And in swing states McCain takes Florida and Ohio while Obama takes Pennsylvania and Michigan.

    Basically, McCain and Obama split things as Bush and Gore split them in 2000; but Obama takes away enough states in the South to counter and overwhelm any loss in Florida (the sole state that gave it to Bush).

    Obama has the advantage.  Obama is the more likely one to win the Presidency.

  8. he's going to ruin this country, he's going to try and help everyone and s***w up the economy

  9. i hope not good

    mccain for 08

  10. Not very good.

  11. right now I put him at about 55 percent... and on the rise...

    a lot can change though...

    McCain, no matter how much the Republicans want to say it... isn't a strong candidate...

    and while Obama has his weak points... he is much stronger overall...

    this will only become more evident as the campaign goes on... baring some BIG OCCURRENCE that shifts the tide...

    McCain couldn't gain on him in the polls when he was getting a free ride... it's not going to be pretty now that Obama and the Dems are fully focused on him...

  12. 99%

  13. I guess it depends on who he picks for his running mate. He needs to pick one who knows something about the middle east, cause if he does win , by that time in January, our economy will be worse than it is now and he wont change it overnight. We need to tax everything coming into this country and make it so we will go back to buying and making our own stuff and stop making the rest of the world richer while our people are getting poorer.

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