
Chances of being pregnant? TTC! HELP! Cramping.

by Guest65204  |  earlier

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Ok here is my schedule:

July 22 - period start

July 31-Aug 1- suspected ovulation day

4 DPO- mild cramps

5 DPO- a lot of dull cramping

6 DPO- dull cramping and pinching pains in lower abd.

Am now 6 DPO. Period expected Aug. 15 if not pregnant. Average pd length is 25 days. BD July 29, 30 & Aug 1. What do you think my chances are?? Has anyone had cramping this soon?




  1. cramping that early on is no indication of pregnancy. symptoms occur 3-4 weeks after your MISSED period. Very few women experience it early on, but in your case, its not possible. according to your schedule, it would be that after your period ended in 4 days you were having sign of pregnancy. If your man did ejaculate inside of you, it takes 3 days for the sperm to travel to the egg. (sperm live up to 5 days inside of a woman)

  2. If you're under a lot of stress over becoming pregnant or anything else it could be causing that cramping. When I was pregnant I did get cramps pretty early but your cramps sound really early, but in all reality cramping can come as early as a week after conception

  3. I am on the same schedule as you and I have these types of cramps as well in my right side of my abdomen. I'm not sure what this means exactly, but I did have this same thing happen to me in February this year. I wasn't pregnant but I might have been making it up - I think ?? Your chances are good if you have pinpointed your OV to these days by tracking. I finally learned how to track mine and might have gotten it right this time but we'll see. Good Luck I hope you are pregnant!

  4. Wow, I am on the exact same cycle as you and have somewhat of the same My period started the same day, same ovulation days and same expected period date and praying to god I'm pregnant. Usually right before my period I get stomach cramps but today I have a different kind of cramping. My cramps are much lower than they normally are and they are kind of like shooting pains from my belly down to my privates. Hopefully this is a good sign for us. I ordered some test that detect 15 to 20miu as apposed to the normal 50miu so I plan on testing tomorrow. Good luck and baby dust hopefully we will get the BFP result soon.

  5. You could be feeling implantation. However, according to

    you would've ovulated on the 2nd. But it would still be possible to get pregnant since you BDed on the previous days! Good luck to you!  

  6. i had mild cramps from 7 dpo and tested positive on 10dpo, it does sound early for implantation cramps, but every woman and pregnancy is different, only sure way to know is to take a test nearer to your expected period  

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