
Chances of getting a job as a golf instructor in Cali?

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I´m 19 and I´ll go to a golf college in san diego soon. I´ll get a bachelors degree in golf then and want to continue working as a golf instructor in Cali. I already did an internship at a golf course and won some major tournaments. However I´d also need a H-B1 visa since I´m from Germany. What do you guys believe are my chances to get a job as a golf instructor in Cali?




  1. The golf biz has no more money to offer, its a dead end job where you'll be scrapping it just for rent. ESPECIALLY in SD...

    So unless youre doing it solely for the passion of the game.

    As far as availability... San Diego has sooo many courses... My uncle is a Tournament Director at Mt. Woodson in East San Diego area, I could hook it up...

    WHOA WHOA WHOA.... edit...

    Youre 19?  Ok... and you want to be an instructor?  Chances are, courses are not going to hire a 19 year old to even work in the pro shop, let alone be an instructor... Many college aged kids (in the US) work as bag boys and range assistants.  I do not want to damper your spirits, but no ones going to be taking instruction from a 19 year old.

    You are in the Golf program for college, thats a great start... But ONLY a start, from there you need many years of schooling to be a Class A Professional... and even then, like I mentioned above; unless your last name is Harmon Or Leddbetter charging $400 and hour, youre not going to make much a living doing this as a career...

    Hope that helped?

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