
Chances of making the freshman team? experienced answers greatly appreciated.?

by  |  earlier

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here are my stats:

14 years old, 108 pounds.

1 1/2 foot vertical,

.900 mid-range unguarded

.998 layups (every once in awhile, you just get cocky :])

.650 3's, .700 in my 2 hotspots

can very easily bench 50 lbs 20 times straight.

clutch defense

not a good stealer/blocker.

O.K. at moving w/o the ball (huge influence is rip hamilton)

good at using my pivot, fakes, jabs, footwork (most people in my age dribble right away)

66 percent foul (60 is highschool expectancy)




  1. hey

    well first off you can have all the skills in the world and not make it because of your basketballiq im not saying that yours is low but just make sure its up to speed...

    skill wise your trying to mush all you really need to worry about is making all your layups and foul shots and your vertical can be the best but its all  about timing

    and i dont even need to explain about your consitioning just make sire you drink a lot of fluids before your try outs

    and most of all just out hustle everyone and show how focused and determined you are

    hey maybe you'll make jv

    good luck even though i doubt you will need it  

  2. ur off my vertical by 17 inches. but yea u should make it u sound like a good shooter

  3. hmm is 1.5 foot vert=18 inches? thats like half my vert (35)

    hmm nice stats you will definitely make it if ur conditioned, but whats ur height.

  4. ^your vert is not 35 inches tard

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