
Chances of motorcycle accident vs car accident?

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I'm in an argument with a friend...

I know all the statistics on how motorcycle accidents are more fatal than car accidents, blah blah blah, but I think I have a point.

If, out of 100,000 motorcyclists, 1000 get in accidents vs out of 100,000 car drivers, 15,000 get into accidents, the statistics on fatalities/injuries/etc are kind of moot, because you're 15 times more likely to get into a car accident than a motorcycle accident.

My question is, what are the chances of a motorcycle accident given a certain number of riders, versus the chances of a car accident of the same or scalable number of drivers?




  1. It really won`t matter because you will be riding you statistics butt with the other h***s angels. My guess the number of riders on the motorcycle will show more effect, than the number of riders in a car .Sorry I`m female and statistic indicate that abstract thinking in females is more difficult,because we don`t use that side of our brain. LOL

  2. These questions are answered statistically.  This link tells you about sport bikes versus touring bikes.

    This link is to Bikeweek, which sites the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

    Basically, sport bikes are in more fatal accidents than are touring bikes, speed causes more fatalities, alcohol consumption is deadly, and rookies have more problems than do experienced drivers- but many of us that are experienced drivers stopped riding sport bikes a long time ago, and managed to avoid getting killed on them IMHO.

  3. IMHO automobiles are involved in more accidents but of the accidents motorcycles are in, there are more fatalities and more sever injuries. There may be just one motorcycle crash per 1000 automobile crashes but the motorcyclist is more likely to be severly injured or even killed. I would love to see the stats on different types of mtorcycles. Say cruiser vs sport. Fatalities and injuries. Last time I looked the figures weren't released. Seems common sense that sports bike riders are going much faster than most cruiser rider, therefore you would think they'd be more proned to injury or death.

  4. Impossible to say since most mc wrecks are caused by cars but are reported as motorcycle accidents.

  5. Im a paramedic where i live and we dont see that many motorcycle wrecks although we dont have many car accidents either as we are a rural community. i can say though the majority of the MC crashes I have been involved around had to do with the riders themselves using poor judgement and or being intoxicated. Some of them werent but the ajority were. It doesnt matter what you ride/drive, speed kills.

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