
Chances of paranormal activity and coincidence....?

by  |  earlier

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Last night around 3:30 I became EXTREMELY paranoid; I kept thinking something was watching me, terrorizing me, harassing me. I kept hearing things and seeing flashses and blurs. When I went outside to smoke a cigarette and calm down, I saw a yellow pair of eyes flash at me, perhaps 30-40 feet away, looking direclty at me.

When I went to my mothers house and told her about it, she sad my brother had a similarly creepy evening (my brother lives in thesame house that I do).

He had a nightmare that ended around 3:30, in which he woke up in his dream sourrounded by unrecognizable people, taunting him, saying hings like "how does it fell, *****?". When they turned around, h tried to kill them, at which point they laughed and knocked him down. When he fell to the groiund he found himself on the street, with people flying by on couches as if they were cars.

Both of us felt like something was messing with us, and we didn't know it happened tat the same time till we talked the next day




  1. You must first rule out any other reason for this to the way you have discribed the events and the fact that your brother also has had the experience, is there a possibility that someone is playing a not so practical joke?

    The next time it happens, keep your camera handy and take a lot of pictures.  See what you get from those.

    I am not ruling out the possiblity of activity but you need to run toward it, not away and see if it is something other than paranormal.

  2. At risk of stating the obvious, something evil is haunting you. I would highly recommend getting in a priest to bless your home and hopefully drive out whatever it is thats haunting you

  3. That might be paranormal activity.

  4. well it sounds like you guys may have poltergeists  or you might live on a ground where something has happened. you should check records from your town and see who or what was there before you.Since their taunting you that means they think that you are the ones that don't belong there. If it continues you should have your house cleansed by a priest.

  5. Sounds like your brother had a bad dream.  This happens to everyone and it happens all the time.

    It sounds like you had some sort of panic attack.  The feeling of being watched is self-contained.  Because there is no mechanism or sense that allows you to feel like you're being watched the source for this feeling is in your head.

    You felt you were being watched at 3:30 in the morning.  When it's dark out we all feel a little less secure because it's dark out and we can't see everything.  But you did see a pair of glowing yellow eyes.  If you are in between a light and a nocturnal animal (which are often out and about at that time) you could see the light behind you reflected in the eyes of the animal as it looks at you.

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