
Change a "AMR Narrow-Band Content" to a MP3 file. HELP?

by  |  earlier

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I recorded a :34 second file on my Sony Ericson Walkman Slider

and when I downloaded it onto my computer it showed up as a : "AMR Narrow-Band Content" File

I want to download that recording to my myspace music player

and in order to do that it has to be a MP3 file

it's driving me crazy and i'm about to give up!

i know other similar questions have been posted but i want to know what ACTUALLY works

if i need to download something it needs to be free

if you can do that for me or just give me a link that would be great

if you can do it for me i'll email you the file because i'm getting sick of working on it

then you could email it to me back

thanks in advance





    i can help ya

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